alimentazione cuccioli shiba


The choice of food is one of the most important factors for the good health of our Shiba ...

Your Shiba has been weaned and accustomed to eating HILL'S RICE AND LAMB FOR PUPPIES.

Leave them the bowl with food available, he will adjust the quantity. If you notice that eats too much, try to give it the right amount and in any case three times a day.

After the sixth month of age, you can start with the Adult maintenance, always Lamb & Rice, which we have noticed over the years that it is a food more tolerated by this small Japanese dog. 
His meal can be given two or once a day. 
The most important thing is, not to change the already tested diet. Never spoil the dog during meals by giving him food secretly. They will become more selective and annoying. Will stop eating his healthy food in peace.
However, you can always make it happy with the fruit and vegetables that he loves. Even a piece of cheese and dry bread.


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